This is a navigation guide through SRP for non logged in users.
After logging in, click on User Guide at the footer of your page to access the documentation
meant specifically for your category of user.
To go to the Home page, enter The top menu on the Home page contains several links to take you through Login page to your specific user page.
Click on:-
General Admin to login as the General Administrator who is responsible for managing SRP in
the school
DB Admin to login as the Database Administrator
Academic Admin to login as the school's academic head
Class Teacher to login as a class (or Form) teacher. Note that the Class Teacher page
also contains everything you need to do your work as a Subject Teacher.
Subject Teacher to login as a Subject Teacher
Publisher if you are a member of management authorised to view all published results
Sec to login as the school's secretary, send Bulk SMS and perform other related operations
Parent to login as a parent and view your children's current and previous results.
Note that failure to click the appropriate link would land you on the wrong login page and
invalidate your username and password.
Staff Login
To login as a staff:-
On the appropriate staff login page
Supply the username and password created for you by the General Administrator
Enter the dynamically generated random characters. Note that the random characters
are case-sensitive
In case you do not have or have forgotten your login credentials, contact the Geberal Administrator
Parent Login
To login as a parent:-
On the Home page, click on Parent - the Login page opens
Enter your username which is the email address you provided to the school
and the password you received
Enter the dynamically generated random characters. Note that the random characters are
Then, click Login - this takes you to the Parent Dashboard
In case you have forgotten your password, click on Forgot Password to immediately request and
receive new password
Parent Change Password
On the Change Password page, there is provision for changing lost password.
Enter your username which is the email address you provided to the school
Enter the dynamically generated random characters. Note that the random characters are
Click on Submit to receive a new password in your email immediately
If everything goes right, you instantly get a response, "we have sent new login info to the email you supplied
if it is found and not blocked..."
Then check your email account
Note that requesting for change of password within an hour of previous change of password will not
be honoured
If you request for change of password when your email address is blocked by the school,
the request will not be honoured
If you are requesting for a change of password with an email address you have not supplied to the school,
the request will not be honoured